Crochet Seattle!

April 26, 2005

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Jean Becker
Virginia Bowen
Morgan Hicks
Donna Koss
Justine Ozaki
Lauren Smith
Maureen Vinson

Morgan facilitated this meeting.


Discussion of Puget Sound Guild's operations and styles for planning CGS's organization. CGOPS splits their meetings into a Monday business/program meeting, and Sunday workshop-only meeting. CGOPS maintains a library for its members, and provides a friendly, supportive environment for its members. To promote themselves, they distribute their guild's business cards in area yarn/fabric stores.

Several purposes for developing a mission for CGS were identified: Skills building among members, professional development, providing community and support for members.

Several Presentation Topics/Activities for Future Meetings were shared: Pattern reading; incorporating crochet with knitting, etc.; machine knitting for crochet; ergonomics for crochet workers (Justine mentioned she has contact here); crochet socks (Josie named as possible instructor); felted crochet; yarns for crochet, swatching, book reviewing.

The location of the CGS meetings was discussed out of concern for a place more central. The public libraries and police stations were mentioned (Donna specified the Skyway public library for example), while the advantage of holding meetings at a yarn store for meeting preparation was emphasized. Maintaining a consistent meeting location until there is a reason, such as outgrowing a space, was also emphasized.

Consensus was reached for May 2005's meeting presentation about crochet yarns. Morgan will create that presentation.

No committees were formed, neither were any votes taken.

May 6, 2005
Morgan Hicks

Return to Meeting Minutes page.

All Crocheters Welcome!