Crochet Seattle!

September 27, 2005
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Morgan presided over the meeting . Present were: Morgan Hicks, Jean Becker, Clare Cronkleton, Linda Yaw, Justine Ozaki and Maureen Vinson.

Old Business
As we needed the full 2 hours of meeting time for the program, all old business was deferred until the October meeting.

New Business
New business was also deferred until the October meeting.

Treasurer's Report
Treasurers report will be made at the October meeting

September Program
Justine presented the September program on tapestry crochet. She brought two books on tapestry crochet with her by Carol Norton Ventura and several great pieces. One was a bag from South America which was quite detailed and a couple of zippered purses she had made in a stripe pattern which were very attractive. Of course, the program was "Hello Kitty" coin purses. They are soooo cute!! I have three little girls who are going to be begging for one! The process was easy and fun and the faster crocheters of the group I think either finished or got darned close.!! THANKS to Justine for a fun progam.

I'd like to add that it was also Linda's birthday and Clare brought the best brownies to celebrate the occassion!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!!

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted
Maureen Vinson

All Crocheters Welcome!